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Huahui education lighting "six improvements" sharing meeting

Huahui education lighting "six improvements" sharing meeting


"Six improvements" is the most important cultivation in everyone's life and the most basic condition for doing well in enterprise management. At the same time, it is also the most basic condition that we must abide by to live a good life.

——Kazuo Inamori

From May 25 to 27, 2021, Huahui education lighting sent Mr. Zeng fangui, Mr. Zhao Xiaohui, Ms. Tang Huamei and Ms. Pang Shiming to Shenghe school's "six improvements" class for three days of closed learning. After learning, each of them has gained a lot, their soul has been baptized, and their life has taken a turn for the better, which has also injected new vitality into our Huahui education lighting!

This morning, the sharing meeting of "six improvements" organized by Huahui education lighting was officially held in the large square on the first floor.

Dr. Herod Firth, a famous American psychologist, said: "hugging can eliminate depression - it can increase the efficiency of the immune system in the body; Hugging can inject new energy into a tired body and make you younger and more energetic. " Before the sharing meeting, under the leadership of Ms. Dai Jiaohua, the general manager of Huahui, we hugged each other. Everyone gave others full of positive energy.

————Learning to share————

The first one to share is Mr. Zeng fangui. He said that this study was the most valuable experience in his life, and his greatest insights were "gratitude" and "filial piety". Thanks for coming to Huahui to work, thanks for the support and help of the leaders and colleagues all the time, and thanks for the family and parents. I hope that no matter how busy Huahui's family is, they should care about their parents and call them from time to time.

The second one is Mr. Zhao Xiaohui. He said that his soul has been reborn through this study, and his deepest feelings are "heart" and "love". In daily life and work, we should communicate with people with a sincere heart and infect people around us with great love. At the same time, I am very grateful to the company for giving me the opportunity to enter the six advanced classroom, so that he has a new understanding of himself and a new understanding of life and work.

The third one is Ms. Tang Huamei. She said that the six refinements were like a mirror. After three days of baptism, she realized that she had many shortcomings. For family members, lack of care for them, for themselves, a little relaxed and lazy, not strict with themselves. To reflect every day means to examine yourself. Only by making changes can you influence your team.

The fourth one to share is Ms. Pang Shiming. She said that after three days of study, she had a new understanding of love and kindness. Sometimes when we complain about others' indifference, it's just because we don't take the initiative to give love. In daily life, in addition to caring for our parents, we should also care for others and colleagues. We should be altruistic. We can make a little love with kindness, and finally gather it into a great love.

Finally, Ms. Dai Jiaohua, the general manager, summarized the sharing meeting. She mentioned that learning the culture of "six improvements" is not for work, but more for our life《 University talks about self-cultivation, family management, governing the country and balancing the world. Only by correcting our own thoughts and behaviors can we manage our small family well and then our business well; At the same time, the body is the capital of revolution. If a person wants to do something, he must have various qualities, but all these must rely on his healthy body. I hope that in addition to work, he will also take time to exercise.

Sharing is altruism. The four family members who came back from their studies unreservedly shared their learning achievements and insights with you, giving you a touching and rich lesson. I hope that the family can continue to practice the "six improvements" and meet a better self.

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