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The new term begins! Let go of your dreams and go to a new journey

The new term begins! Let go of your dreams and go to a new journey


Today (September 1)

Primary, secondary and kindergarten students

He set off for school with his schoolbag on his back

The annual blockbuster "the beginning of school" is on again~

With the arrival of the new term,

Represents the beginning of a journey,

Please cheer up and move forward!

Let go of my heart and dream, and go to a new journey!

Besides studying hard,

Protecting our eyesight is also our top priority~

Have you noticed the lights in the classroom?

How should schools be built

Classroom lighting meeting national standards?

From kindergarten to university graduation, a person's life will go through more than 20 years of campus learning. Students spend most of their time studying in the classroom every day. If the light in the classroom is not good, it will seriously affect their eyesight. Therefore, it is important for schools to create classroom lighting that meets national standards for students.

An eye protecting classroom lighting can effectively reduce students' visual fatigue and play a vital role in the prevention and control of myopia. Only when the lighting environment of the classroom reaches the national standard can we provide high-quality, healthy and eye protecting learning lighting environment for primary and secondary school students.

To this end, primary and secondary schools implement lighting and lighting requirements for classrooms, dormitories, libraries (reading rooms), and require that the standard rate of classroom lighting hygiene standards reach 100%. It is recommended that all primary and secondary schools and institutions (including public school classroom lighting, private school classroom lighting, private school classroom lighting, experimental school classroom lighting, educational institutions), classroom lamp OEMs and licensees choose the "Huahui lighting" brand!  

It is worth mentioning that Huahui education lighting (brand "Huahui lighting") is one of the first qualified units of high-quality lighting environment in classrooms in South China. It is also the "top ten education lighting brands" in China's lighting industry in 2020. It strictly controls the color temperature, glare, blue light, illumination and other problems in education lighting, so that primary and secondary school students can effectively reduce visual fatigue and effectively prevent myopia!

With the original intention of being professional, healthy, eye care and cost-effective, Huahui education lighting will continue to focus on contributing to the vision health of children and adolescents, and strive to create a high-quality lighting environment for healthy eye care classrooms!

I wish all students,

In the new semester, chase your dreams and walk on the waves!

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