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Today's winter solstice | keep the warm sun in your heart and respect the long coming Japan

Today's winter solstice | keep the warm sun in your heart and respect the long coming Japan


Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Lunar new year, November 18

Usher in the of the twenty-four solar terms

The 22nd solar term - winter solstice

During the winter solstice, the day is the shortest and the night is long

All colleagues of Huahui education lighting

Best wishes to all new and old customers

Today's winter solstice, I wish you a happy winter solstice

Happy family reunion, health and happiness


——Winter solstice, custom——

At the winter solstice, the year is coming to an end, and the day of return can be expected. When counting the days, don't forget the customs.

North, make dumplings. In those days, Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical saint", wrapped cold expelling herbs and mutton into ears, boiled them into "dispelling cold and charming ear soup" and distributed them to the people in order to alleviate the cold and rotten ears of villagers. In the later years, in order to commemorate him, people also borrowed the good moral of "jiao'er" to cook dumplings in winter, so they often hear people say: "eat dumplings in the winter solstice, don't freeze your ears."  

South, cook dumplings. The winter festival is as big as the year, and the world is reunited. Tangyuan is round, meaning happy reunion. Therefore, tangyuan in the winter solstice is also called "winter solstice group". The ancients wrote in the poem: "every family pounding rice to make dumplings knows that it is the winter solstice of the Ming Dynasty." The winter solstice is also the time to return home. The family sit around, have a happy reunion, harmony and peace, and spend this winter.

At the winter solstice,

The day is short, but missing is long,

May you be thought and read.

In love and being loved, have a warm winter.

It's a long night, dawn is coming,

May you have hope and moonlight in your eyes,

May you keep the warm sun in your heart and respect the long side of Japan.

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