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Warmly congratulate Leliu street for becoming the first demonstration town in Shunde with high-quality lighting and light environment

Warmly congratulate Leliu street for becoming the first demonstration town in Shunde with high-quality lighting and light environment


A strong youth makes a strong country. Education is the revitalization of the nation, an important cornerstone of social progress and the most fundamental cause of the Chinese nation. Therefore, educating children to become talents and caring for their growth are the top priority of the school.

On the morning of September 26, 2021, Mr. Wang Jialun, deputy director of Leliu sub district office, Ms. Lu Qihong, director of Education Office and Ms. He Yueming, deputy director, Mr. Liu Haiqing, deputy director of Party construction and personnel unit of Education Office, Mr. Wu Haojian, Secretary General of Shunde District lighting electrical Association, Mr. Ke Xiuchun, President of Leliu sub branch of Shunde nongcun commercial bank, Mr. Li Yaojun, vice president Mr. He Peixiang, chairman of Huahui education lighting, Ms. Dai Jiaohua, general manager, as well as principals of Leliu street and members of school family committees, held the launching ceremony of "healthy children's line - student growth care project" at Leliu Xincheng primary school, And donated 2.3 million yuan to Leliu sub branch of Shunde rural commercial bank and 2.1 million yuan to Leliu education foundation.

The launching ceremony of "healthy children's travel project - student growth care project" kicked off from the field investigation of the classroom of class 1 of one year in Xincheng primary school. Mr. Lu Mingxing, Huahui education lighting engineer, analyzed the classroom lighting before and after the transformation, and introduced Huahui eye protection lighting lamps and lighting systems, which was highly praised by the leaders and parents present.

Mr. He Peixiang, chairman of Huahui education Lighting Co., Ltd., is a native of Leliu, Shunde. He is enthusiastic about Leliu Street Education and is charitable. He donated 2.1 million yuan worth of eye protection classroom lighting lamps, which was highly praised by everyone. At the launching ceremony of "healthy children's Bank - student growth care project", Mr. He Peixiang, chairman of Huahui education lighting, and Ms. Dai Jiaohua donated a cheque of 2.1 million yuan to Leliu Education Office, and Ms. He Yueming, deputy director of Education Office, returned a thank-you note to Huahui education lighting.

As early as the beginning of this year, in order to actively respond to the Shunde District government's implementation plan for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in Shunde District and effectively strengthen the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in Shunde District, under the leadership of Mr. Wang Jialun, deputy director of Leliu sub district office, Ms. Lu Qihong, director of Education Office and Ms. He Yueming, deputy director, Leliu carried out a comprehensive eye protection classroom lamp transformation project.

As a local enterprise of Leliu for more than 30 years, Huahui education lighting is also the executive vice president unit of Shunde District Lighting Association. It actively assists the education department and donates 2.1 million yuan worth of eye protection classroom lamps for primary and secondary schools. Under the overall arrangement of Mr. He Peixiang, chairman of the company, and Ms. Dai Jiaohua, general manager of the company, during the summer vacation, an installation team of more than 50 people was organized to go to 21 schools in Leliu street, with a total of more than 500 classrooms. After more than 20 days of on-site measurement, design and installation scheme, demolition of old lamps, installation of Huahui eye protection lamps and lighting environment commissioning, We will successfully complete the upgrading of classroom lighting before the beginning of school in autumn.

At present, Leliu street has become the first demonstration town in Shunde to meet the standard of high-quality lighting and light environment in classrooms, effectively protecting the eyesight health of Leliu students.

The eye is the window of the mind, and 82% of the external information comes from the eye. The total number of myopia in China has exceeded 500 million, of which the myopia rate of primary school students remains high. In response to this situation, the president of the state leaders in 2018 proposed that "to reduce China's myopia rate, we must start with dolls". The main reasons for myopia are: first, the excessive use of electronic products, second, classroom lights that do not protect our eyes, and third, incorrect sitting posture.

A survey shows that primary and middle school students spend about 60% of their time in the classroom every day. The experiment of NSFC project "Research on classroom health lighting based on photobiological effect" shows that classroom lighting directly affects students' learning efficiency and visual health.

As a promoter of Campus Lighting health, Huahui lighting is the first batch of qualified units for high-quality lighting environment in classrooms in South China. It is also the "top ten educational lighting brands" in China's lighting industry in 2020. It strictly controls the color temperature, glare, blue light, illumination and other problems in educational lighting to avoid the harm of bad lighting to students' visual health!

Up to now, Huahui education lighting has completed the lighting transformation project of eye protection classrooms in hundreds of schools in different provinces and regions of China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Jiangsu, and has been highly praised by school leaders, teachers and students. Welcome to Huahui education lighting!

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